
Fact (8) Food (1) Poem (1) Quote (4)

Friday 23 April 2010

Friday Thinking

A few things for you today:

To start you off, did you know that "Albert Einstien never wore any socks"?
Each to there own I suppose . . .

Secondly, a quote, "With $10,000, we'd be millionaires!" - Homer Simpson.
I am aware that Homer is a fictional character and that the line was quite probably purposely invented. But, I am a fan of simple humour, and that made me laugh :D

Finally, I thought a poem would be an interesting addition to my third post. 

"One bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead men stood up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other
A blind man there to see fair play
And two big dummies to shout hurray
A legless donkey passing by
Kicked the blind man in the eye
A deaf policeman heard the noise
And came and arrested the two dead boys"

A personal favourite for pure genius.

Hope you enjoyed today's post. Tell me what you think by commenting and clicking a few boxes below.
Also, check out the inspiration for my blogging career over at
Don't be put off by the parasites, it's simply a very diverse blog :)


  1. hahahaha ben so proud of you for this blog its pure genius. at any rate i have to get on and do todays post lol

  2. haha thanks matt, im looking forward to it :D
